My mood was greatly improved when shopping for bread and milk and fruit when I found this delightful daisy top for just £4;
And round the corner a knitted pink dress for Francesca that cost a mere £2.50;
Even though we are feeling so lousy we are not letting our germs spoil the planned outing to Blackpool tonight to see the illuminations! We go every October half-term and have our tea out and get the tram through Blackpool and 'ooh' and 'aah' at the lights. I must say that in recent years it has been the reactions of the children that make the evening so special.
In preparation I have hauled out Nathaniel's snow suit to keep him warm;
As you can see from the photo, he's not impressed!
Not as impressed as he was when he wore this scarf like pink hair;
And not forgetting the favour I mentioned last night......
My friend Julie is very ill at the moment, she has leukemia and is currently undergoing chemo therapy. When I asked her if there was anything I could do she said that I should shout from the roof tops and get as many people as I could to register on the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Donor List. Feeling small and quite useless I enlisted the help of the wonderful Mia at our local children's centre and we have arranged to hold our own recruitment clinic. We will be hosting the event on December 4th and I have made a book for people to sign for Julie, there will be many people there simply because they know her! I ask of my dear blog land friends that you send a card for Julie. None of this will make her better but I think she will find comfort and courage from knowing that so many people wish her well. If you would like to please email me (details on blogger profile) and I will send you my mailing address. My plan is to deliver a box of cards and goodies to her the weekend after the event and let her know how many more people are on the list!
For those not wanting to send card, there will be an e-flyer (soonish) about the event that I would love you to post on your blog until the event, you may not be near but some of your readers might be!
Thanking you all in advance, Daisie xxx