And then I get this lovely award from Ruth;
Here are the rules for this award:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link to the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.
6. Wear a posh frock if you like, lots of bling and make a speech, but - sorry - no red carpet
I would hereby like to give this award to Jenny, Twiggy, Julie, Iggyjingles, Sharon, and Terri.
I know that's only six but I don't have a huge collection of bloggy pals and Ruth has already awarded some of the blogs I would have awarded. Does that even make any sense?!
I know that's only six but I don't have a huge collection of bloggy pals and Ruth has already awarded some of the blogs I would have awarded. Does that even make any sense?!
Am off to bed again with some paracetamol and a huge glass of water. Fingers crossed for a pain free head tomorrow!!
Night, Daisie xxx
Thanks Daisie, aha I've let the cat out of the bag now I'm back from my hols and lurking - lol. hope your poor head soon feels better. I'm just drowning in a sea of washing and ironing.
Twiggy x
thank you, sweetie! i appreciate it! =)
Thanks for the award. I'm looking forward to paring it down to seven from amongst the heavenly crafters' blogs I read.
Gee Thanks!! I'll have to go and buy a new dress to make my speech!!;)
Thanks so much for the award Daisy. Hope that paracetamol worked!
Hehehe! I don't have many bloggy mates either hehehe!!
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