Sunday 2 March 2008

Flowers On My Piano

Happy Mother's Day to all those special women everywhere!

There were flowers delivered to my bedside by the two most beautiful girls in the universe followed by fresh coffee and toast by my wonderful husband. I then lay in bed for an hour with my fabby new book "The Secret Mothers' Club" by Joanne Fedler. It's a must read for any neurotic mother, it's a relief to finally think 'am glad it's not just me that thinks/feels/does that'.

Here are the flowers on my piano;

I also received two beautiful cards from Elizabeth and Francesca, Nathaniel is a little small to be crafting yet but I forgave him when he smiled!!

Fabulous writing with no help; "I didn't even get my name card Mummy!"

And 'joined up' writing from my biggest baby;

I migrated from bed to bath with my book still in tow, love to read in the bath and especially as it was mother's day (or maybe I was just lucky) no one needed to poo while I was soaking. Nathaniel joined me for a while so now smells like a girl! The girls got in when we got out and then we sat on my big bed and painted our toes.

All that and it's only lunch time, we are hoping the weather will stay dry so we can go for an explore in the 'deep dark woods' this afternoon.

There is a piece of pork and some parsnips waiting to be roasted for our evening meal and I feel like the most treasured Mummy in the whole world.

Hope all other Mummy's are being spoiled too!

Daisie xxx

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