Saturday, 19 April 2008

Think I May Have Had My Flowers Too Long!?

Well, I have finally entered the world of Etsy, what fun!! Simon and I have been struggling with PayPal buttons for my website for such a long time (without success) and it was just getting silly, I was making no internet sales and the site hosting is costing plenty pennies so we went the other route. I am waiting to create a banner for the front of the shop, that was a little beyond me in my PJ's!

Tonight I have edited my website and removed all info on postage and payment etc so it is now just a show case of my work with a link to the Etsy shop.

Quite pleased with my achievements today, even if we didn't manage to get dressed!!

My friend Julie bought me some lilies the other week and the last few days I have been removing fallen petals from the top of the piano and thinking I should really throw them out soon. My mind was made up when I looked up from the computer this afternoon and was confronted with this;

Night, Daisie xxx

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Yay!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't bear to throw flowers(?) away!! Hehehe :0)
Nice to have found you - I followed the trail of E for Excellent award winners and found you.