Thursday, 30 April 2009


I have had a wonderful day today. I have been out with my dear friend Gil, we went to a nearby town to check out a fabric shop that had been recommended by a woman in B&Q (of all places). We were not disappointed. I bought these beautiful bright cottons (more smocking planned) there is a metre of each on the left and 3 metres of the one on the right;

I found this amazing fabric for a boy project I have planned;

And this;

I got a whole bag of goodies for only £17!! And I was very pleased because I saw several fabrics that I have had from SAMS (in my £5 basket) that are priced between £18.99 and £22 a metre!!

I also recieved a parcel in the post today from the wonderful Emma;

This is a terrible picture of the bag (am sure Emma will have taken some better ones). It is absolutely beautiful. It is purple and it has buttons so is perfect for little old me!
There were fabulous specially picked goodies inside too.

This little felt purse;

Some beautiful ribbons and papers and a little trinket box full of sparkles;

Thank you so much Emma, I hope your swap arrives soon and makes you as happy as you have made me!

There were also lots of charity shop finds but I'll share them with you tomorrow.

The may fayre is tomorrow from 3.30 til 5.30 at Ightenhill Primary School, Alder Street, Burnley if anyone is near and fancies coming and saying hi?

Do hope I have enough stock!!

Daisie xxx

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Button Bracelets

I managed to create these little lovelies at boobie club this morning. We are very quiet :-( we have lots of enquiries but not many takers, we asked some questions and it seems the timing is putting people off (especially new mums), so as of next week we'll be dishing out advice and support on a Thursday afternoon instead.

This means that we have time in the schedule of the centre to start our craft group on the wednesday morning, we will do our making, drinking coffee and chatting in the community room, leaving the creche free for our little ones to enjoy games and snacks and stuff! Really looking forward to it! We were hoping that we could start a 'stitch and bitch' type group with a creche too but there is only me and one other lady that knit and would be interested at the mo. Plus, sure start want to call it sticth and chat! Not exactly what it says on the tin really!?

Anyhoo, it means there will be another day booked up for me after the spring bank half term holiday! Busy busy bee.

We were chatting this morning about projects we could do. They need to fit into a two hour slot and not need a huge amount of skill or cost the earth (we have a limited budget). I suggested shadow boxes with mod roc or clay stuff, jewellery making on a small scale, felt purses/brooches and scrap booking type stuff or picture frames as we all have small children. Any suggestions would be brilliant!

Daisie xxx

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Just Not Daddy

Simon is working late tonight and although I miss him and the children miss seeing him, we are a well oiled machine when he is away. They know how far I will go. Everyone is bathed and in bed. They have read their books, eaten several of their 5-a-day, brushed their teeth, played together nicely and allowed me the time to sew together two more bags for the fair.

Simon is our bread-winner and the 'man-of-the-house' and we all have huge amounts of love and respect for him but sometimes (well, most of the time) I feel like the parent in charge. It is I who make them eat fruit when they would rather not, me that listens to them read and chants spellings at them several times a week, me that makes them go back and brush their teeth again! Me that nags them to put their socks in the wash basket when they take them off! And it is part of the deal, Simon earns the money (and works very hard for it) that allows me to stay at home and shape them into the people I would like them to become. That I can be proud of. And I am; when they remember, always, to say please and thank you, when they hold doors open for strangers, when they are kind to each other and their friends, I know that I did that.

But I am just NOT Daddy. I do tickle when I get them out of the bath and wrap them in warm towels, there is the occasional raspberry blown on an exposed bit of flesh when getting ready for bed, there is an odd joke here and there, I take them to exciting and fun places, there are cuddles and kisses aplenty but to the children I am just not as much fun as Daddy. It makes me sad because I feel sometimes that if I was as much fun as Daddy they would relish my company more. But they would not be the people they are, would they?

And then it turns sometimes. When they are poorly or too tired or hurt or sad they want me. Simon can run when one of them has fallen and lift them into his big strong arms but he is not good enough then. That makes me sad too because his cuddles are as good and his love is a strong.

Maybe children need a 'good cop' and a 'bad cop' to be well rounded....?

Sometimes I'd like to be the good cop!

Blimey, that was deep (or mad), sorry!

Daisie xxx

Monday, 27 April 2009

A Box

A big white cardboard box;

Full of yummy scrummy french reclaimed buttons;

Just over 8kg of french reclaimed buttons to be precise;

Some have already been sorted ready to become button bracelets and bag dangles for the craft fair on friday and I can't wait to play with the rest. Neither can someone else;

Some are going to be used during my craft sessions starting wednesday next week (more about that later) but I think some of them may have to be sold off in 100g bags on folksy so someone else can enjoy them too, it would take me forever to use them all and if I get rid of some I'll have some space for new things :-)

Must be off, buttons are screaming my name!!!

Daisie xxx

Sunday, 26 April 2009


Well, we were up early as a builder was coming to have a look at my back wall. Very good, just waiting for a quote now so we know how many kidneys we need to sell to fund the project!!

Some more skirting is in place in the bedoom and we have lugged down some book cases from the attic, starting to look like a room now. Sadly still no bed but I'll enjoy it all the more when it finally gets here!!

My Father-In-Law came over this afternoon to help Simon re-plumb the radiator in. While they were doing male bonding and making sure I'll be warm this winter I packed my greetings cards in plastic bags and stacked them in the display box, counted all the hair clips, put yetserday's brooches on backing cards, made some notecard sets, packed my handbag swap stuff ready to post in the morning, made a list of everything I have for the fair and decided on their prices. I even managed to get these two shopping totes sewn up;

I quite like the little one with the oak leaves on, if it doesn't sell I can see it being very at home with my little collection of shoppers!

Daisie xxx

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Craft Fair Madness

First craft fair of the year on friday and as usual am afraid I don't have enough 'stock'.

I have purses and hair clips and shoppers and girls hats and bags ready.

The children and I had been in and out during the morning as it was really warm and sunny, washing was hung, bikes were ridden, balls were kicked etc. We decided to have a picnic lunch. Elizabeth went and hunted down the picnic blanket, Francesca helped me find three small lunch boxes from under the sink (a dangerous task alone), I cracked open a tin of tuna especially and found some cherry tomatoes and even a packet of crisps!! We settled down and then the heavens opened, we dashed in before our sandwiches became soggy! We picnicked in the dining room but indoor picnics just aren't as much fun :-(

So the children settled for watching the Dr. Who easter special (that I hadn't seen) instead. We watched and I made some felt birthday cards;

Some more embellished notebooks;

And some brooches;

The knitted ones I did last night. Think they look rather yummy (but are a bit drained of their colour here because of the flash)!

Knitting a couple more tonight and then making some notecard sets tomorrow and sewing together the shopping totes that have already had the handles made so shouldn't take too long.

I also have to sew the smock dresses together and have been asked to make one for Sarah to wear on her holidays and seeing as it was her birthday yesterday how could I refuse!

Daisie xxx

Friday, 24 April 2009

Just Call Me The Smocking Queen!

Here is Elizabeth in her finished smocked top;

It is slightly longer than I had planned as she was in bed when I finished it last night and I just guessed the length! She loves it though and came upstairs wearing it over her pyjamas to show me while I was showering at half six this morning!!

I have two more cut out and ready to go, one for Elizabeth's friend Myah (bit of an advertising exercise) and one for Nathaniel's friend Erin (as a small thank you for the buttons and an advertising exercise)!

Today has been wonderful. The made to measure custom pine blinds we ordered for our bedroom arived, I managed to put two more coats of varnish on our new skirting boards (hopefully get them all fitted tomorrow), I played with my boy at tumble tots, helped a lovely lady out with her ribbon crisis and went shopping with Swirly!

We both got some lovely bargains and it was great to just catch up. Since my small girl and her big girl started school we really don't see enough of each other. I bought some wool (£1 for 4 50g balls) and some fabby chunky wooden needles (50p) and a few books for Elizabeth and some pink sparkly treasures for Francesca and some amazing froggy trousers for Nathaniel (a whole pound!) and a smashing new cardigan for myself! No pics of my finds tonight as I thought you'd have enough with the super model Elizabeth above!!

A weekend of bedroom sorting planned; touching up paint work, fitting skirting, varnishing arcitrave and generally lugging stuff from A to B and seeing whether or not our new bed arrives (long story). Hope so as I had set my heart on being in a bed on Sunday night............ maybe next week..........

Daisie xxx

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Unexpected Delights!

I had an impromptu visit from my friend Jenny (not of the blueflower variety but the Erin's Mum at playgroup variety). She came brandishing gifts;

Not butter cookies, although I'd never say no to a tin of biccies, but beautiful buttons she had gathered at her granmother's house;

Just look at that huge big red flower one, made me shriek with delight, there is only one of those sadly :-( but many other wonderful buttons. Like any other older lady she has saved all the buttons from her old clothes and coats so there is a huge array of styles, sizes and colours. A huge thank you Jen!!

I have not managed to take any pics of Elizabeth in her top yet as it has no straps and I have been aching from the smocking I did yesterday. I think the way it has to be stretched and pulled through the sewing machine uses muscles I don't usual trouble as this morning I woke with terrible chest pains and an ache in my right arm pit. Not a heart atttack though!! It was fine once I got going but began to be sore again when I started Elizabteh's dress :-( The old muscles will have to get strong or just get used to it as the dresses look so fabulous I am going to make many many more!!

Daisie xxx

Wednesday, 22 April 2009


I had measured the children, chopped fabric, ironed and pinned straps and hems and stuff. All ready to throw some lovelies together for my lovelies last night while they enjoyed the benefits of an early night and Simon worked late. Sadly it was not to be I had forgotten the vital ingredient (or at least couldn't find it)! Felt rather stuid and disappointed.

Anyhoo, today after boobie club and baby yoga Nathaniel and I went in search of our missing component and then while he whined this afternoon (more about that later) I threw this little number together for Francesca;

She is very pleased with it even though it's not pink (but Mummy has a cunning plan)!

I am very pleased with the finish;

Elizabeth and I went in search of a suitable swim suit for her school swimming and while trawling the shops I saw hundreds (not an exageration at all!) of smocked tops and sundresses. Millions in fact! They all seemed ridiculously expensive for what they are and I knew every little girl will be wearing the same ones this summer. Not my girls with their DaisieDavies originals!!

It was easier than I had expected and is great for singing in;

Not so sure about the winter boots with it though, but then again we are talking about the British summertime! Great on it's own or over a swim suit, great over shorts/leggings and t-shirt and in the right fabric great with jeans and jumper for the autumn?

Francesca's is knee length but am planning on making one up for Elizabeth this evening that is hip length to go with her leggings.

Yesterday saw teeth being pulled out. Here's a pic of the offending molar;

She made me take a picture of the hole too but didn't think you'd really want to see that! It has been neatly wrapped and stuffed under her pillow with a little note for the tooth fairy. We were uncertain if she would come for a tooth that had been poorly rather than one that had just been wobbley (although I suspect she will), we are waiting til the morning to see what happens.....

Now, my grumpy boy, he has been horrid all day. Whilst he yelled at me at boobie club I noticed the corners of his very back bottom molars looking very pointy and sharp in gums that looked very red and sore. Some calpol, a banana and a love later and he seemed to have improved. Until I wanted to do some sewing! He wouldn't settle in bed, he wouldn't play or be distracted in any way, shape or form. I managed to get it done in fits and starts. Then noticed when he threw a massive strop that his teeth had emerged some more during the day. Poor boy! One child has them coming out and the other has them growing in. Neither is particularly comfortable :-(

Daisie xxx

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

And The Cure Is...

...Green Pasta!!

Today was horrible, as I had suspected. Francesca was so brave but the noise was making me feel sick as he grabbed her tooth and twisted and pulled, I can't imagine what it must have sounded like to poor old Francesca!? She was very brave and only whimpered slightly. She collected her tooth in a little bag and some spare dressings (we used them all, thought we may have to go back as it took ages for the bleeding to stop) and a princess sticker. Fine. As soon as we were out of the door she crumpled and said "It really hurts!" We hugged on the pavement for ages with the blood and spit pouring own her chin :-( oh and the snot from crying! We were a charming sight!

She spent the afternoon laying on the sofa feeling sorry for herself. It must be sore as she hasn't even been sucking her thumb for comfort.

We collected Elizabeth from school in the car and came back to watch some telly and veg. Not sure what she would eat (but knowing she would be hungry by now) I asked if there was anything she fancied? The answer was without hesitation; green pasta!*

Green Pasta;

Table spoon olive oil.
A couple of onions, chopped.
A big fat clove of garlic, chopped.
A teaspoon chili flakes (or fresh equivalent).
Two large courgettes (or zucchini if we're being intercontinental).
Pasta of your choice.

Warm oil through in a pan with the garlic and chili, allowing flavour to infuse.

Add chopped onion and sweat (onions, not you!).

Add courgette and heat until cooked and tender.

Now before we had children I used to grate the courgette and let it float artily in the oil and serve with fancy tagliatelle and a big green salad. Since the children (well, Elizabeth really and her dislike of identifiable green veg) I just roughly chop everything and then when cooked I give it a quick blitz with a hand blender so it looks more like a pesto and serve on small pieces of pasta (like penne) that are easy to get on a spoon when you are only small and grate some cheese on the top (Francesca's favourite bit)!

She scoffed the lot and asked for more.

While the children watched some terrible version of postman pat (quite unlike any I remember as a child) I mananged to throw together the bag for the swap;

I don't want to show you anymore than that as am not sure if my partner is reading and don't want to spoil the suprise!

And now all the children are bathed and in bed asleep I am going to tackle my next project while Simon works late;

Update will follow (depending on whether my idea works or not).....

Daisie xxx

* please excuse all the crap on the dining table while my children eat. Normally I clear the table fully beofre we sit down to dine but as the children were tired I just fed them, only being three they fit round one side of the table so I can simply push everything to the other side! Bad, bad mother! x

Monday, 20 April 2009

A Lovely Day

The girls were back at school today and (unlike usual) we were speedy and efficient in our organisation this morning. No yelling (well, very little) and we all left the house smiling with clean PE kits and swimming stuff and lunch boxes and book bags and light jackets (just incase), oh and a dream potion (but that's another story).

Nathaniel and I decamped to the garden on our return from the drop off. We swept and tidied the dead daffies and dug up and moved some flags (me, not him) and moved some pots and an oak tree (only small) and walked around looking manly and banging a big stick (him, not me)! We hung washing and generally enjoyed being in the sun.

We had a visit from my friend Naomi and Baby Dan at lunch time and I got to show off the newly (but only halfly) varnished floor in our bedroom. Simon has worked so hard this past two weeks; paint is on the walls and ceiling, the chimney breast has been pointed and painted, the electrics are done so I can now plug the vac in and we have lights. My lovely IKEA shade in the main bedroom and swivelly (is that even a word) spots in the huge cupboard/walk-in wardrobe/space for sewing machine and stash. Simon finished sanding and revarnishing the floor last night but it will need another two coats to be it's best. So hopefully, everything crossed, we can trim and fit the skirting board at the weekend and then when the blinds and bed are delivered we can sleep in a proper bed!!!!!!!! Nearly wetting myself with the excitement. I was going to show you pics but think I'll wait until we have finished and then you can get the full impact.

When Naomi left we ventured over to SAMS to hunt for some inspiration for a bag swap I am invloved in at the mo. My partner wanted something purple but she also loves chocolate colours. My stash is kinda hard to get to still and I could find nothing near the top of the boxes or near the front that was suitable. What's a girl to do?!

I got a huge bag of assorted colour and length zips;

Some upholstery fabric in cream with mint and chocolate leaves on and some very shiny choccie coloured lining (that's the bag sorted me thinks);

Some lovely grey/heather toned yarns (although they do look a bit blue here);

Two bigish pieces of John Lewis linen/cotton blend fabric to make something for my biggest daughter, watch this space;

A good day! Which is good because tomorrow is likely to be horrid. Nathaniel and I will do playgroup as usual (not horrid bit) but then we have to take Francesca to the have a tooth pulled out.......................oh! She has had a very bad infection that has cleared a little with a week of quite strong antibiotics but the gum was so swollen it has actually moved her molar, argh! Our dentist seemed to think (and I must say I DO agree) that we should just remove it as it is only a baby one and it will stop any recurring infection. My poor baby, she suffers so with her pearly whites. Perhaps that is what you get for never noticing them when they arrived. She was just eight weeks old when the first two arrived at the bottom and she had them ALL by the time she had her first birthday! And there's Nathaniel, nearly two with just sixteen and a bit teeth. She is continuing true to form and now sports seven adult teeth and she's only 5!

Daisie xxx

Friday, 17 April 2009

Padding Out A Chilli

Catchy title or what?!

Not too many amazing crafty things going on here and lots of children or decorating based activities that really are not worth t'internet space. And I realised after my Jamie Oliver/Sainsbury's rant of a while ago I haven't done anything foodie for a while but I made chilli the other night and this is how I did it.

So I can stay within my food budget and still feed all five of us I pad out the mince for chilli with grated carrots. Cunning! It means I can buy a much better quality beef mince (less fat, more flavour) becasue I need less!

Brown your mince in a hot pan as you normally would;

Add the grated carrots (I use about four good sized ones);

When the carrot has cooked down it has much the same texture and aquires the same flavour as the beef so no one would ever know (except am telling you all...). I added some red kidney beans, some haricot beans (although tend to use whatever pulses are in cupboard) some diced green peppers and a carton of passata, oh and a tea spoon of chilli flakes (almost forgot);

After an hour bubbling away and becoming thick and goey I served with rice and thick slices of homemade garlic bread;

And before I go I must just say a quick thank you to Amanda at Kitschy Coo who sent me a pattern for an amazing tunic top of hers when I won her giveaway the other week. Sewing to follow....

And a thank you to Laura Donald who sent me some of her wonderful 'Dot and Pat' notecards when I won her giveaway a while ago (I really am a bad blogger at the moment!).

Hoping for the winning streak to continue (not holding breath though, just incase)!

Daisie xxx

Thursday, 16 April 2009

I Love It! How 'Bout You?!

Lots to tell but no time really (not sure why) so just popping in quickly to say have you seen these?!!! I jumped up and down and sqealed in Asda and barely paid for them before I was tearing the packet open, hence no picture! They are so good and possibly the best thing since sliced bread. Two of the greatest food stuffs combined into one!!

Just wanted to let you know incase you hadn't spotted them on your last food shop!

Back soon, Daisie xxx

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Happy Easter!!

Probably won't have any computer time tomorrow as we are off to visit the in-laws at their little cottage in the woods in Shropshire. Family Sunday lunch awaits us! So I am wishing you all a happy weekend now!

I don't like the children eating lots of chocolate and even after years of telling people they still get sugary eggs from well meaning people :-( Books from more like minded people, this year I have bought them each a new item of clothing (not expensive might I add) to wear to visit posh Granny in the woods and have knitted them each a chick that will be handed over in a little plastic coloured egg. Blue for Elizabeth, yellow for Nathaniel, pink for Francesca (who else?!) and another yellow one for my MIL as a little thank you for offering to feed us all;

The chick's heads and bodies are just my knitted beads on a slightly larger scale. Not wanting the children to suspect what I was making but not wanting to wait to do it all until they went to bed I knitted a pile of coloured balls and was very vague when asked what they were for. Nathaniel knows some colours, one of those being yellow so he spent ages asking me (quite nicely) if he could 'catch' (throw) a 'ello ball' I assmebled the chick for Granny before he went to bed and Nathaniel announced, amazed, 'a is chin-kin!' So I think he will be pleased in the morning!

Enjoy your weekend!

Daisie xxx

Thursday, 9 April 2009

A Week In Pictures

School holidays, hurrah! A little bit of crafty shopping with children in tow, always good for inspiration!

A visit to the park;

With one big and two small Swirls;

A grown up art class with small girls in tow (little man in the creche). Some silk painting for their new rooms;

I managed to have a play at marbeling the silk and embellished it with some salt which I didn't get the time to do last time;

Not a fab finished item but it was fun to experiment and I had to help lots while Elizabeth created this amazing peacock;

And Francesca designed this princess by herself and I copied it onto the silk in gum so she could add the colour herself. I think she looks amazing;

Especially her puckered up, ready for a big kiss with the prince lips!!
I bought some wooden clothes pegs and took them apart and painted them and then put them back together again, complete madness! My fingers were sooooo sore!! I added lots of yummy wooden and felt bits from my stash and now have nearly 100 fancy pegs;

Great for pegging wellies together, the girls have used some to make clips to hold their pictures together and I have stuck some magnet to one and it's now on the fridge with lots of useful lists!
Then we made cake;

Catching up with friends and doing some long awaited decorating....... pics to follow......
Daisie xxx