Sunday, 9 August 2009


Just a quickie tonight, am sooo tired (again), it's the last day of Simon's holiday so I took the opportunity to be up in the attic sorting (nesting). I have brought down loads and loads of clothes, could hardly believe how many!! Have sorted lots of little boy baby clothes out into boxes according to size. I have washed the first size clothes for when he arrives. It has been lovely as Elizabeth has helped me and she remembers things from when they were worn by Nathaniel.

There were also lots of girls clothes that have been saved when Francesca has grown out of them, they have all been sorted out and put to one side ready to be given away to friends.

But the reason I logged on is to show you all the tiny weeny plastacine cats that my daughters made last night.

Elizabeth's is blue;

And Francesca made a multi coloured one;

They are very small and probably only stand around 2cm tall. So careful were their little fingers! As with all things plastacine they have been dismantled and squashed with the rest of the colour that matches ready for another day's creations.
Daisie xxx

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