Window men arrived at half eight yesterday morning and we had two new windows by ten! Thanks Padiham Windows!
We filled the first skip within an hour and so I had to ring and order another (there goes the budget). The floors through my house are BLACK! I seem to have been sweeping and mopping for days and it never looks cleaner. Poor Nathaniel not yet walking looks like we've been sending him up chimneys!!
Flags in the 'garden' up yesterday (well some of them, we got a little disheartened in the pouring rain and went to bed) and the rest came up this morning. Not so hot today so work was easier.
This is the view from the gate;
This was the view from the back door;
The new slabs were delivered but the man couldn't get the lorry down the side of the house as the skip man hadn't been to collect so he dropped them at the front of the house and Simon and I have carried them round to the back. I have muscles like Popeye and am sure my arms are longer than they were when I woke this morning!! Flags are in place but they need a little tweaking. Dark now so pics tomorrow.
Children all settled naked in their beds, blimey it's really warm, expecting it to chuck it down later, can feel it in the air.
Simon and I are carrying the last of the plasterboard up to the bedroom before we get washed and climb into bed with a Cornish pastie I found in the freezer. Am looking forward to a proper meal tomorrow, on a plate with vegetables!
My Oak tree is covered in greenfly and it's attracting flies (not a good thing in a garden the size of ours). I have done a little surfing and I either have to plant nettles or buy poisonous sprays. From the depths of my memory I seem to remember Sister Josephine ( a very green fingered nun) saying to spray the leaves with very soapy water. I have done this thinking that if the flies are still there tomorrow at least I'll have a lovely clean tree. Any top tips for dealing with aphids?
Daisie xxx
I love your courtyard *sigh*
It seems so lovely and romantic despite all of the lugging and sweat you and simeon put into it today... Do you ever string lamps across it and sit out there at night?
Congrats on you windows~ it seems like it is really coming along!
Dilute washing up liquid and spray the tree - don't spray it too close though! And then repeat in a few days!!!
Hi Wendy! How about taking the kids out ladybird hunting? If the back yard is safe you could always fill water pistols with the soapy water and get them to do some target practice-I used to love doing that! Look after yourselves! Love Pilchard
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