Thanks to the Royal Wedding we have all been at home together again, so soon after the long easter break, makes for one happy Mummy!! And what makes me happier is the beautiful sunshine we've had;

We met some friends in
Towneley Woods and explored, one little man didn't spend long in the pram this time but it's still a great place for sun hats, snacks, blankets and abandoned cardigans to be transported about;

We discovered some wood carvings that we didn't see last time we went;

And I nearly got the perfect picture of all my babies together;
I did say nearly!!
Hope you've all had a lovely long weekend of sunshine too!?
Daisie xxx
It's a bit cold and windy here, but good for the washing!
Pomona x
Still showers here..
Wow, the boys have really grown, glad you had a good time
Take care
Great weather here too, although I have been in work all day. Lovely almost family shot.
Parcel posted yesterday but won't leave the office until tuesday :)
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