Wednesday 12 March 2008

The Ironing Mountain

I have conquered my ironing pile, at least until the basket is full again (usually only about three days in a house of five people)! Hurrah, done last night with a small boy against my chest, just love my ring sling, makes life so much easier when babies are grumpy! Nathaniel has been round the supermarket in it this morning too as he is full of a cold and the pesky teeth are still giving him trouble. I think that must be why we don't remember being so small.
And here it is, all crisp and lovely;

The In-Laws have joined us for a meal this evening and have brought goodies for me to open on Saturday, getting very excited now! Simon is counting the days he has left to go to bed with a twenty something. Poor man!

No making and doing today sadly. And there's not likely to be any tomorrow either, am out for coffee in the morning with my friend Caroline and then am out to lunch too. See how I live it up!! Although I do have to make a birthday card for a special girl who is nearly four. Does that count? May see a pic tomorrow.....

Daisie xxx

1 comment:

jennyflowerblue said...

Just think of all the 'usefull' crafty stuf you could have done instead of that pointless ironing! I have to say my non-steam iron gets used far more than the proper one...for patchwork, hamma beads, bondaweb....never shirts! (am I a slattern? oh I do hope so!) Enjoy your special day!