That really is the best word to describe me at the moment!
It seems a long time since I started working all week, my house is not as it once was, the ironing/washing is piled high, the floors are suffering for not having their every-other-day-mop, the cooker top gets left after tea in favour of cuddles and stories, the children are missing the fresh baking that once welcomed them home from school, Sebastian is a tired grumpy boy by 6pm (being a 'Munchkin' everyday is hard when you're just three).
My role has changed dramatically too, I have lots more responsibility, the number of families I have on my case load is doubled until a replacement is found for my colleague who had to start her maternity leave ten weeks before she was due to! I have taken some speciality responsibilities from another team member who has left us for pastures new. I feel like I have been running to stand still. I'm sure it will get easier as I find my stride and I'm looking forward to the extra money too!
Only two more weeks then half term holidays for me :) We're planning a week in our tent in Whitby so please keep your fingers crossed for sunshine!
My boys fell asleep after tea while I washed the dishes. |
It has't been all work, I had a very drunken weekend with some lovely friends to celebrate our 'Betty's' wedding day. It was just what we all needed and the sun even shined for the happy couple;
Watching Dr Who en mass! |
We were lucky enough to have a sunny Bank Holiday Monday (am considering buying a lottery ticket, how often does that happen in the UK?). We spent the day together playing in the park, it was perfect!
Brotherly love! |
Me and our even numbered babies |
Simon and our odd numbered babies |
The knitting is still plodding on (on evenings when I am able to keep my eyes open when I eventually get to sit down), will show you something when it's completed.
Daisie xxx